Friday 26 May 2017

UK Games Expo 2017

I can't believe it's been a year since the last UK Games Expo. In just under a week it'll be time to make the trip up to the NEC Birmingham again for another weekend of games, friends, fun and food, and I can't wait!

Taking place this year from 2nd to 4th June 2017, the Expo is now in its 11th year and continues to go from strength to strength with over 12,500 attendees in 2016. You can read lots more about tickets and events on the UKGE website, but some highlights I'm looking forward to include:

Live Entertainment!

This year I've booked tickets to see Live Pandemic, The MMORPG Show and The Dark Room (which we saw last year but was so good we're going back for more). Full list and tickets here.

Game Demos!

I'm looking forward to trying out all the latest releases and getting some sneak peaks of upcoming games at exhibitor stands.

UKGE game demos


Playtest UK have a large area at the Expo where designers can come and test out their ideas on the unsuspecting public. I eventually backed the Kickstarter of the game I playtested last year, and now it sits proudly on my games shelf. It's great to be part of the process from the beginning and help someone make their idea into a reality.

UKGE playtesting


There is a *huge* programme of seminars this year, and I'd love to make it to some in between everything else. With everything from miniatures design to cosplay, there's bound to be something you want to see.

UKGE seminar


It goes without saying that there will be lots of shiny new games to buy. It would be rude not to...

UKGE shopping

Food festival!

Last year's food festival was great, and it looks to be even better this year with an extra section at the lake. Yum!

UKGE food festival

Open gaming!

Always the best bit: playing all your exciting new purchases with your friends (and possibly making new ones!)

UKGE open gaming - Quadropolis

If all that isn't enough, this year there are even Vikings...

Roll on next week! If it's anything like last year I'll have ample opportunity to try out new games, catch up with old friends and babble complete nonsense at YouTube game reviewers...

UKGE 2017 dates
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