Sunday, 30 October 2016

Making - October 2016

I can't believe that the last time I made a 'making stuff' post was in January! There have been a couple of craft-based posts since (like another trip to the Handmade Fair last month) but this side of things has definitely been neglected. Inexcusable! (Although, if anyone has any suggestions for how to magic more time into my life to get things done, they'd be gratefully received...)

As far as what I *did* get done goes, the past few months have been very much cross-stitch focused while I tried to clear out my work-in-progress pile. This post is a little update about where everything is up to.

I'm still working on the Pumpkin Passport stitch-along pattern from The Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery. There are only two months to go until it's complete and I'm excited to see what countries we'll be headed to for November and December (maybe Canada and America might feature somewhere?)

Here's the pattern complete up to October (with Australia and a very cute koala):

Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery Pumpkin Passport October

I also finished off the Christmas on Gingerbread Lane pattern I started *forever* ago; another Frosted Pumpkin pattern - you may notice a theme here! I'll need to sort out framing this before Christmas arrives:

Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery Christmas on Gingerbread Lane

Next up, the Cherry Blossom Sampler. This has been on my wishlist for ages, so as soon as I had the materials I had to get this started. I love the theme, the colours are great and it was so much fun to stitch. The picture doesn't really do it justice, but the 'crystal' fabric recommended in the pattern is sparkly and looks amazing.

Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery Cherry Blossom Sampler

The hoop is also modelling my shiny new pumpkin spice latte needle minder which I ordered this month. Technically I don't really need more than one magnet, but I couldn't skip a coffee-themed one!

After last year's tree ornament success I have this little pattern ready to be made up into a pillow decoration as soon as I figure out what on earth I did with the fabric from last time. I made a couple of colour changes to the pattern (from Just Cross Stitch magazine) and added some fluffy thread to the Christmas hat for extra cuteness.

Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery Not a Creature was Stirring

For more festive fun, my sister and I have bought each other the kit for the Frosted Pumpkin 'Merry and Bright' stitch-along as an early Christmas present. This doesn't start until November, so I'll have to be patient to see what this looks like!

Coming back to more current holidays, this Trick or Treat Couple pattern was really quick to stitch up and looks very cute on the shelf ready for Hallowe'en:

Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery Trick or Treat Couple

Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery Trick or Treat Couple framed

I managed to frame it without making it look too wonky - success! I especially love the pumpkin trick-or-treating bags (or 'bupkin', as my little son would say).

So now there are only a couple of things left in the WIP pile, meaning I should be able to find some time for miniature painting over the next couple of months (yay). To celebrate the finishes, as well as Hallowe'en and autumn in general, I picked up an extra Frosted Pumpkin PSL needle minder to give away:

Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery PSL needle minder
Isn't it cute??

You can enter the giveaway below (open world-wide this time) - good luck, and I hope you're making some fun things too!

If you enjoyed this post perhaps you could take a look at my Facebook page and leave a like or come and say hello on my Twitter or Instagram feeds!

Pumpkin Spice Latte needle minder (The Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery)